recently,i feel that my health condition is not really good....
this sem i seem like having many cirit birit stories..
and for today, i had stomache, somethg like gastric pain?
from the morning till juz now,after i poo,feeling better.
this morning i had a really tough time. my stomach was completely painful,
it's became worse when i sneeze! it generated my pain to the max.
i think probably is bcs nowadays my eating period is soo not constant?
now i dun eat dinner outside anymore, most likely i tried to cook somethg at my hostel..
maggi of course. and yesterday i had fish fillet. and it looked like this~
basically everythg is tasty when you are hungry. lolz
ya i juz ate this for my dinner and few biscuits..
and i was no longer a big eater as before, sadly.
i think my weight probably has gone down gua. haix.
but in a good way, i did save COST of LIVING here!
i think i did. and it's alot.
but thesedays i had spent lotz for that yed thg.
i had to carve out my money for the coupons..
and the supplier thg, i contributed a portion of the cost..
we couldnt find any sponsorship.
cheez some companies they claimed that they sponsored cash for charity in their annual report.
i found it in BURSA malaysia.
and my friend email them, and one of it, replied somethg like they cant involve in this charity event. WHAT THE HECK la.
so for now, my 50dollar which i suppose to use for my living is gone,and i m now left with no cash. have to withdraw again.
soo, every students from our class have to contribute money liao lor.sad.
anyway, im quite excited about this coming event,which is on next wednesday.
i hope it will be fun, and we can gain many profit, For the sake of CHARITY. =)
and during that day, we are supposed to have some make up? scary ones..hahaa.
hope everythg goes smoothly and nicely. GOOD LUCK!
now i m quite with good mood and relax. why? hehee because today is FRIDAY.
they are heaven to me..wahaha~
past days we were so busy with our assignments..
travelling the whole taylor's main campus, tbs to distribute our questionnaire.
receiving friendly & unfriendly responses.
for our english, our topic is cloning..
this topic is quite special and we have to find some ppl with medical knowledge to fill in our questionnaire.
first, we thought of doctors..for sure~
and so, we decided to head to clinicsssss around SS15.
we got rejected by every clinics.
the doctors just refused to do the questionnaire without even looking at it.
maybe they thought their names or their clinics are going to be listed.
haixxx, but we just require their opinion, and it is a close ended questionnaire, meaning that the names are not required.
then, i have to ask my sister to help me she studies medicine, and i asked her to help me to distribute to her friends..
at 1st, she was like, y so troublesome..
and pissed off, bcs she was busy and had no time to help me doing those stupid thgs..
called her lo, and i burst.
i think throughout the days i had been really stressed out,
facing all kinds of problems & challeges in doing our assignments..
especially english, our topic is really tough. but i m glad that we are able to overcome it and we chose to go on for this uncommon topic. =)
on the phone, i just cnt take it anymore and i cried.
oh god, that day i cried alot. my tears just cnt stop flowing.
i think my sis was shocked.
she was actually angry with me as i always dun wan her to call me.
by giving many silly excuses.
but then, she still helped me!
she is indeed a good & caring sister.
no matter how mad she was, she still got over for what i done to her and consoled me not to get sad, stressed.
she sent the questionnaire thru mail to her friends.
and i received quite alot of replies from her friends.
THANKS ALOT for filling my questionnaire, truly APPRECIATE IT!
and to jiejie,
THANKS for helping me. eventhough i treat u like that..u are the greatest jie =)
and yeah, thanks to my papa mama and gor gor! XD
i also asked my parents to help me in distributing the questionnaire to a doctor who they know..
i sent the mail and go go helped to open & printed it out. as my mom she didnt know how to open the mail..haha~
and i think on the phone, the conversation between me and gorgor was the longest of all.
=) thx.
i did feel very guilty for asking them to help me, with my assignments.
and touched till i cried again..for their unconditionally love. =D
i think, other than changing to a more matured person..( a person who would not being lied so easily, who knows how to pretend - to bad ppl, who is not so dumb), i changed to an emotional girl.
i mean, duno since when, i bcm a girl who gets easily cry. like watching dramas, or even any shows like ANTM, i cried easily for some touching moments of the shows. but dulu i was not like that, i NEVER cry unless the show has really got "somethg" which is too sorrowful or whatever.. now, aww.. i cnt describe.
hahaaa, in short, thx to everyone who helps me lor X)
okok, i think i cn stop post was quite long yeah~
last but not least, i want to show a photo of me taken by today. XD
this sem is said to be the toughest of all for my foundation.
though i soo wish to end it fast, (still left a month which is about 30 days)
but at the same time, i do have unbearable feeling with this ending sem.
xuan arh~
i holiday lo..
haha..seldom see u post so long de post nek..
do take care ya^^
expecially ur health..i think ur stomach a bit sensitive de gua..
since last time keep hear u say u cirit birit..
eat dinner 70% full enuf need eat until wanna vomit..waste a bit food more important kay~?
haha~miss ya^^
hahaaa..yeah lor many thgs going up in my mind maaa..=D
but now dinner i dun eat much lor..
okok, i will take caree.
misss u too.thanks X)
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