
Tuesday, June 9, 2009

hope to meet my BFF soon =)

nah..this is the so called make up~
by a classmate who is pretty and pro in make up - felicia
our eyes all dark dark..
to have a horror look. haaa

quite long didnt update blog~~
argh..busyyyy.with assignments lor..haa hate to mention it!
hope cn finish all the assignments and coming presentations smoothly and nicely~
jiayou lar..

our YED was over..
lol quite long dy. it was last WEDNESDAy~~ 3rd june 2009.
heez i enjoyed lotzzzzzz n_n
we contributed for charity...
overall, adding all the profits earned by all classes,
we totally earned rm30000+++
class 3.2 contributed rm700++..
proud to say that =)
bcs we earned more than the cost which is amounted to rm400? i guess soo.
at least cover the cost..heheee~
heee i feel good for the ppl who need our help =)
here to share some photos of our stall~
the coffin nice right~heheee
we forced chloe to take a photo with it.
since she suggested to build it XD hahahaaha~~

my work..had been saved rite? saved by喷漆~
and it was brought all around the place to show ppl.
heeee proud and happyyy.
lixuan's work cn be showed to many ppl. ^.^

juz done my econs homework & my powerpoint slides..and then here i cm to write a new post~
fiew..still has alot more. accounting!bst!
oso hvnt revise my subjects ler.
really worry..coz im not soooo understand the remaining lecturessssssss
which will be testing on us in the final exam. u_u haixx.
soo reali wish cn finish all assignments ASAP so that i hv time to revise la..and to watch my youtube. lolz.

this coming saturday (or friday) i m gonna meet my BFF!!!
shyanshyan floflo xinying =)
i m sooo excited and happy and CANT WAIT FOR THE DAY TO COME!!!!
i damn miss them laaaaaaaa.
they are the medicine of my stress my depression other than my family.
i want to chat with them. =) heheheheee~~~
girl chat is the best la~~~
shyan good luck for ur last subject which is on tomoro? rite?
all the best.

wish me luck tooo on coming english presentation on this thursday.
this time vice versa..my group is the last.
it's alittle sad ler..
it's like all other group will finish their presentation & will witness us, who are the last group during our presentation..
hahaa~but at least better than being 1st group which is presenting tomorrow?
we still have time to prepare.heeheeee~

hope to meet my bff soon.
best friend forever.
and that yu yunqi.
she is now at kl le.
with her bf.
aaa see if she desires to meet me ont..
hope i have time to meet her if she dates me. =)



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