Wednesday, June 24, 2009


ooh my bloggie here i come again...
today i had my lunch - mihun soup with fishballs
seriously the taste sucks la..still got many in my ricecooker...duno how to finish =.=

and i have to say i didnt sleep well yesterday.
i had the weirdest and horrible & funny dream!
all thx to DRAG ME TO HELL
my dream was highly associated with this movie..
in my dream,
A Ghost tried to harm me by giving me a button!
and the beautiful evil ghost, i rmb her face, is温碧霞!a hongkong actress.
bcs she dun wan to be in hell forever, she wan get reincarnated.
so she forced me to take the button, she pestered me all the time...ooh gosh!
haixxxx.. i was feeling so sad in my dream by knowing that i m going to scaryy hell (full with fire juz like what was shown in the movie)
but same with the lead, i didnt intend to gv anyone my button.
not knowing that when is the date will i die, waiting for the day, it's soo horrible. bcs u know u will get into the hell forever, burnt forever!!!!
then suddenly i was in the hell dy, but not the hell with fire, that one is the most scary and located at lowest ground of the hell. hell is split into different places in my dream.
and i saw a nanny, i sat down on the chair, and she started to describe me,
she said i m 耿直,敢爱敢恨。and said after i married, i will bcm a woman who loves to borrow money from friends! walao wei! lolz. i asked again, she said ya, u will become like that.
(but i tot i was already a ghost)
then then then,
i saw the hantu who harmed me! she is going to be reincarnated.
and i still said to her, i wont blame her, and wish her reincarnate well. what the heck. i should scold her badly badly ma. y so nice?
finally, i saw the gate of the horrible hell, it opened and i saw many ghosts inside..
burnt in fire, and the weird thg is, they were doing labour work?! haixx..
and suddenly the king of the hell, i saw him wanted to shoot the scene! 拍mv~
kisiao de!
and, dunno y.. there is a flood in the hell of fire.. all ghosts inside were flushed by the water!!
i fell inside,but i grabbed and grabbed then i successfully got out from that hell.
and all the thgs became ice! the king oso bcm ice and broken into parts. i still tried to gather his pieces but i failed.

FINALLy, i woke up.
soo, it was just a dream.
i wasnt harmed by any ghost.
wasnt going to be burnt in hell.
such an awful dream i had. hahaa.

and today i received a surprise haha

anyway thx yeah...



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