Wednesday, August 5, 2009

HiPs Reunion..... x)



waiting for like decades*....

i met my死党们!!!!! yohooo~~
last sunday - 2nd august 2009
it was such an incredible day =) i love them!

too, felt abit regretful..for being late for half an hour~
made everyone waiting for me..oops soooo sorry laaa..

i wish next time i wont make the same mistake!
for the sake of the extension of our precious moments.

hmm...i rmb i started to prepare around 12pm..
then end up stepping out from my home around 2pm..
hahaa~~qi followed by tyan called me asking me y i hvnt reach~~

pa fetched me to qi's house and qi fetched us to meet tyan & nny
and the journey of HiPs began..heheee~

ahqi ahnny tyantyan with me went to a little cafe with some artworks on white-painted walls..
Chit Chat timeeeeee~~
we shared whatever topic we can talk about for 2++hours...

the feeling is so syok!!!!
it has beeeeeen so long i didnt have a nice chat with them face to face!

tyan must be veryvery happy seeing me~see her smiley face =D

introducing the toilet..

one thg i must mention!
haaa me and nny 心灵相同...
we love to view people blogs - the lenglui blogs =)
but i didnt expect she also read the same blog which i used to read!
i rmb i juz simply stated a girl's blog who i recently love to view..
who noes, penny oso do view it! haaa~~~~~

i was the only one who didnt drive..hahaa~

leaving the cafe, we headed to jusco tebrau city..
me & tyan desired to sing k~~~wahahaaaa
already late, time is not enough,and redbox charged quite expensiveeee

after struggling..
we still decided to go sing k..
although qi alone wanted to watch movie..too sad no one was at her side..lolzzz

i believe i had the most-thrilling-excited sing k experience on that day!
we were like having our concert..
(in such a tiny room)
we jumped and jumped on the sofa,
acting like there were hundred of fans below the stage..
we treated the sofa as our stage..ahahaaa~
proposing what was the next song we gonna sing,
saying thank you to the fans, greeting the fans, waving~~~
we took turns to act as fans and shout shout shout..
i think ppl outsideeee muz thought that we are nuts..
haa~~ but i had tons of fun ^^ that feeling is relax, 彻底的解放!
special thx to nny, she brought us up to the highest atmosphere..
and we had our buffet as dinner..

we also sang belated birthday song for tyan.. duno whr they find the cake ler..quite nice!

after the 3 hours k, our gathering came to the end..
my pa kept calling me to rush me~~
then during the way back, saya berjalan sambil took photo with them one by one~heeehee..
cnt miss the chance!

a beautiful ending we had ^^
i enjoyed to the maxxxxxxx!

HIPS forever yoooooooooo!!!!


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