26th September 2009
my jiejie's birthday~~~~~~~~~~~~~
she's 22 now le.....OMG!! ><
she is also the best jiejie in the world..
sometimes funnyyy and super duper cute like a kid
sometimes mature like an old lady
sometimes crazy like a monkey
sometimes quiet like a sleeping pig..
sometimes cn be annoying tooo~
intelligent,likes to watch youtube,likes to go to beach..
everyone admires her.bcs she is pretty =P
she gives me all the great advice and stopping me from getting worse..
when i was upset she sure will be there for me..
who cn deny that she is not a perfect jie?
happy birthday to my jiejie loh..im pretty sure she will hv a great bdae today with her lovely friends thereeee =)
today is great..
i got back my laptop..feels so good to have it back to me again!
have the good mood to update my blog le~~~~
and recently i have been tooooo bad.
yesterday threw my temper again when i was bout to get the letter of acceptance.
bcs i dun really wish to study thr,i actuali thought to study here.
but ya,the education quality is better there.
these three years,for my papa. i will study my best for him,not to disappoint him.
duncare how there tortures me,i will bear all..to complete my studies lor.
haixx,it's next week.im sure i will struggle alot when the time comes.=(
will write bout shyan and HIPS in the next post =)
wasnt manage to ask her address..and didnt write anything yet..show u in advance lor jie.haa!
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