
Friday, October 2, 2009

thanks mummy!

today mummy said other than necessities, she also wanted to buy me a necklace..
白金的。。coz last time she exchanged a new pendant without the necklace.

she杀价with the 3 ladies,seriously i think my mum is really best in this,geng!

if is me,i would never able to do that,coz im such a coward xD
but still, it's quite expensive..起价了!
mum was even late for her school..
this is the 1st time i have such valuable accessories..
quite scared if i spoilt or lost it! never ah!!!

thanks mum, i really appreciate and will protect & take care of it~~

will do my best in my studies!

that's the only way to repay my mum & pa's greatest nobleness!

found some childhood photos & scan them to my computer,this one probably was jiejie's 5 or 6 years old birthday celebration gua..
i enjoy looking at my old photos!so cute n.n
and i realise how time changed a person..
especially my mum & pa..
they were once look so young.
i wonder what would i look like when i reach the age of 50?
hm how i wish time could stop here.
so that my pa ma wont become older again.


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